Choosing the Right Family Planning Method

You should be aware of the different types of abortion to know which one is right for you. Abortion clinics will offer you several types of abortion, and you should be informed.


If you are considering getting an abortion, you should know which procedure is involved. There are several types offered by early pregnancy termination clinics. You might have to discuss the procedure with the doctor, so you can properly decide which one is perfect for you.

Before choosing the right procedure, you must consider several factors. You might have limited options because of medical factors like your health, length of pregnancy, and your personal preference.

You will find out more from this article.

Timing of the Pregnancy

The pregnancy term determines which kind of abortion you should have. The date of your pregnancy starts from the first day you had your last period. This can be determined easily if you know when you last had your period.

Depending on the timing, there are several options available:

  • Medical abortions can still be performed anytime within 9 weeks
  • The manual vacuum aspiration is available if you are 7 to 15 weeks pregnant
  • Surgical terminations are for those who are 15 to 19 weeks pregnant
  • Abortions cannot be performed after 20 weeks of pregnancy unless there is an urgent need

When the Procedures are Performed

A medical abortion is unlike having any kind of surgical termination. If your timing is when you can get medical or surgical abortion, then you have these differences to consider:

  • You have to set 2 appointments at the clinic – They should be 2 days apart so you can take the required medication for the abortion. The completion of surgical termination only needs 1 appointment, but it is longer. You will normally need to spend about half the day in the hospital because you still have to recover.
  • You will experience soreness, cramping and bleeding, but the surgical abortion have milder side effects because the womb contents were already removed.
  • Normally, you will be offered sedatives to make you feel sleepy and drowsy. They also have the general anesthesia that makes you sleep and you will become unaware of what happened.

Medical History

All abortion types are safe and normally for all women. However, your doctor might tell you to avoid a certain type of abortion because of your medical issues. For instance, if you are allergic to any of the medications they use, you might need to get a surgical procedure.

For instance, asthmatic patients might be taking medications that interact with abortion pills. If you are still breastfeeding, you will be asked to stop breastfeeding while you are still taking the abortion pill.

Before any procedure, never do it without talking to your doctor and telling someone you trust because you will need a companion if you are getting the surgical procedure. In clinic abortion DC is more common today, and that is a good thing because have a right to their body.

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